Monday, February 23, 2009

February 23, 2009

There is nothing better that watching Laney and Allie get along with each other.  Today they could not get enough of each other.

February 22, 2009

This is why my daughter did not take a nap today- she was too busy making a fashion statement with anything she could put on herself.

February 21, 2009

Laney and Grandma played with these the night before.  Allie was very excited to see that they were left out for her to play with this morning.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

February 20, 2009

Fridays are my favorite day of the week.  I only teach from 8-8:45 in the morning.  And then I am home for the afternoon.  This Friday was especially good as it was 75 degrees.  So we spent a lot of time outside.  I just layed on the grass and enjoyed the warmth of the sun.

February 19, 2009

Ryan and Rachelle and kids, some of our friends from Utah were in town for the weekend.  Erich and Ryan went to play some golf.  Erich hasn't used his clubs in a while and he was pretty excited to pull them out.  Afterwards all of us had some dinner and caught up on life.  It was fun to see them.

February 18, 2009

Operation retrieve red ball from the neighbor's backyard.  AKA "I am not a climber".  I am glad he found a ladder to use since he isn't a climber.  Laney was just glad to have her ball back.

February 17, 2009

For the second day in a row, I actually almost forgot to take a picture.  So here is part of the score sheet of a game of Farkle between my mom, my Uncle Bobby, and myself.  Don't worry I was killed in all 3 games.  And then instructed that maybe I should practice rolling the dice in my free time.

February 16, 2009

This is how close I actually came to forgetting to take a picture today.  I had big plans for what it would be- pictures of my work stuff as I actually had to teach school on President's Day; or my mom and I getting ready for the ward picnic at the park; or the kids playing at the park.  But no, I forgot to document all of those things.  And I even went to bed without taking a picture.  Luckily Allie woke up about 11:45 and after I calmed her down, I remembered.

February 15, 2009

Do you think this girl could have any more blankies?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day to my littlest Valentine.  And the only one that will smile at the camera for me.

February 13, 2009

Only fitting that the day before Valentine's Day, I post a picture of Erich's true love.

And no that is not a mistake, it shouldn't be a picture of me or the girls.

February 12, 2009

Laney loves to take pictures with phones- even phones that no longer work.  So when she saw me pull out the camera, she had to pull one out as well.

February 11, 2009

Today the girls found this bag of matchbox cars.  They didn't really need anything else all day to make them happy.

February 10, 2009

Allie spends at least 50% of her awake time in this chair.  The girl can eat.  I am not sure how she is so small given her appetite.  I hope it still works this way when she is 15.

February 9, 2009

My mom made sugar cookies today.  Laney loves cookies.  After sneaking 2 or 3, I threatened time out if she had another one.  And then I saw this.  And while I knew she should be in time out, how I could I punish a girl for sneaking a cookie for herself and her sister?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

February 8, 2009

This was us as we pulled up to the security checkpoint to cross the Hoover Dam.  We were pleased with ourselves for getting up and out of the house relatively quietly and not yet hitting any traffic (except for that car directly in front of us who was a rather slow driver.)  That security man broke the bad news.  There was some sort of propane fire on the other side of the dam.  We would have to wait.  No he didn't know how long because no fire crews had arrived yet.  Yes Laughlin would probably be quicker.  So we turned around and enjoyed the 90 minute detour through the lovely town of Laughlin.

February 7, 2009

While in Vegas, Laney and Allie were able to help celebrate Claire's upcoming 5th birthday.  Kamy had purchased these shirts for the party goers as we celebrated High School Musical style. (Please note the red stage in the  background)  The kids sang and danced, had a pinata and yummy cake and ice cream, and watched a little bit of HSM.  We had fun celebrating Claire!

February 6th, 2009

We made it to Las Vegas safely.  So did John and Stephanie.  And John insisted that he and Allie be my photo for the day.

February 5th, 2009

It's bedtime and I haven't taken a picture.  Luckily Laney and monkey are going camping.  That is definitely picture worthy.

February 4, 2009

Happy birthday Grandpa Ralph, Nancy, and Britt!  Laney loves to talk about birthdays and birthday hats and birthday cakes.  And this day was no exception- especially since we saw Minnie's birthday on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  I was relieved that we were going to a birthday lunch for my bff Nancy.  This is Laney enjoying the birthday cupcake.

February 3, 2009

I love this girl.  She has so much energy and the best personality.  My mom often comments to me that she is one in a million.  I couldn't agree more.  She is always up to something but usually it is something good.  She is always making me laugh.  And she adores Allie. So much that she tries to go and wake her up from nap time so that they can play some more.  I feel lucky she is mine.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February 2, 2009

FHE treats are the leftover chocolate cake.  
Green plate belongs to Allie.
Yellow plate belongs to Laney.
Those two arms fencing in the yellow plate also belong to Laney.  She was very serious about Allie not stealing her cake.
Not pictured, those same two arms sneaking Allie's cake off of the green plate.
That Laney is funny.  and smart.

February 1, 2009

Superbowl Sunday.  I wanted some cake.  So I made chocolate cake and ate it with ice cream and put red sprinkles on it in honor of the Cardinals.  Unfortunately, they lost.  It was close though.  And a good game.  And really good cake.